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coming out on top 慢速英语:totoinAires

2024-02-19 00:05:55 | 来源: 互联网整理


In the wake of the U.S. Court’s to anti- laws and the of the ’s first gaycoming out on top, the trend the of gay is . This is a buzz as well, with the July of -like legal for gay in Aires, . The trend is also .

“It would be hard to go here and be ,” said , of , the on- whose goal is to on gay, , and . “You would be in the to live off those .”

While that there has been the or torn down, he feels that UM is very and open. has 60 , and its to grow. There has also been an in this year, which is by the .

“UM is as a whole,” Dara , of for , said.


“I like Miami are more open with and ideas,” Pooja Doshi, , said. “In North , where I’m from, is like a myth – often don’t even its .”

“, you go, are going to , but I think on this we are very and of gay ,” Kylee , , said.

In April 2000, the a plan for same-sex life .

Under the , of UM full-time and staff can to . These and , ’s , in and to the , and UM .

While UM was among the first 20 of in the to such a full range of , led the way in 1992 with the first of this kind.

to J. Walsh, of , the human at UM the issue when they a “Human in ” for the book and .

Walsh said that what began as a to a book into the that a would be a good to the at UM, as a for and staff to come to UM.

Walsh said that there were “all sorts of dire ” for the – fears that would the or that the would prove too .

“None of those bad have come true,” Walsh said. Since its , the has made no in costs.

, there are 62 in the , a total of 124 . , only 55 of this group is for the full range of .

, since April 2000, there have been two , to “” among the .

For many, the with is .

“ and is the key to ,” said. “It’s not about the ‘gay ,’ you to be and equal an .”

Many on feel that the of gay and gay- can be in part to the media.

The hit TV show “Queer Eye for the Guy” is a of this, to . The “ Five” are now a at . And just a few weeks ago, , and a when they on stage their at the MTV Video Music . Gary and Brad that with their own on-stage kiss at the Emmy on Sept. 21.

“A lot of the media is more for the shock value than ,” said. “But it shows that have up about the issue.”

“It’s less of a niche issue,” said.

Next week, will be in Out Week from Oct. 6-11 with guest and . The , of , to come out and take part in the and ask any they may have.

“I’m just proud of the we have made,” Rayna , of , said. “And I hope it .”

For more about Out Week, at 305-284-5520 or visit UC room 244, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Megha Garg can be at .

